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Список команд управления сервером в Clanmod

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#1 Sukhov


    Отец флуда

  • Администраторы
  • 12 298 сообщений
1 367
Круче только горы
  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Город:Moscow
  • Игра/Ник:Sukhov__

Отправлено 14 Февраль 2009 - 11:47


!fbf Check if Flag By Flag or Conquest is running.
!fbf on Enable Flag By Flag + restart round. Both teams need to agree.
!fbf off Switch to normal conquest. Both teams need to agree.

!dass Check if Double Assault or Headon is running.
!dass on Enable Double assault + restart round. Both teams need to agree.
!dass off Switch Headon + restart round. Both teams need to agree.

!pause Pause the game.

When paused, you can not chat. This is a problem that has bothered clans ever since BF2.
In Clan Mod v 2.0 or later, you can chat and unpause through RCON (the console). You do NOT need to log in.

rcon say Hello, what's up? - Will print text in chat during pause.
rcon unpause - Will request an unpause. Both teams must type rcon unpause.
rcon go - When both teams have agreed to unpause, anyone can resume the game using this command.
The reason for an additional command here is to give the first clan a little warning that the game is resuming.

!setting <SERVER SETTING>=[NEW VALUE] Will show the current value of SERVER SETTING and ask the other team to change the setting to NEW VALUE, if entered.

!setting sv.roundspermap=99 Will request a server setting change of sv.roundsPerMap to 99.
!setting sv.autobalanceteams=0 Will request a server setting change of sv.autoBalanceTeams to 0 (off).
!setting sv.ticketratio= Will check what the current value of sv.ticketRatio is and print it in the chat.
NOTE THE '=' !

!ready Mark your team as ready. When both teams are marked ready, the round will restart after a short countdown.
!notready Abort the RS. If your team is not ready when the other team is, do not use this command - simply wait and type !ready when ready.
During the countdown, the restart can be aborted by any player with the !notready command. The team that said !ready can also use !notready if someone is going AFK or likewise.

!infantry on/off (!inf works as well) Enables / Disables Infantry only mode (=no vehicles allowed).
!commander on/off (!com works as well) Enables / Disables Commander mode. When set to "off", no one can go commander.
!check Will print the current status of infantry only, commander and Flag By Flag settings.

!map belgrade Belgrade, 16 size, Conquest.
!map belgrade 32 Belgrade, 32 size, Conquest.
!map minsk Minsk, 16 size, Conquest.
!map minsk titan Minsk, 48 size, Titan.
!map bridge assault Bridge at Remagen, 16 size, Assault Lines. (!map bridge lines also works)
!map cerbere 32 Cerbere Landing, 32 size, Conquest.
!map landing 32 Cerbere Landing, 32 size, Conquest.
!map berlin coop Fall of Berlin, 16 size, Coop. (Bots)

!map belgrade
!map camp -or- !map gibraltar
!map cerbere -or- !map landing
!map fall -or- !map berlin
!map minsk
!map shuhia -or- !map taiba
!map sidi -or- !map power -or- !map plant
!map suez -or- !map canal
!map tunis -or- !map harbor
!map verdun
!map highway -or- !map tampa

!map bridge -or- !map remagen
!map liberation -or- !map leipzig
!map port -or- !map bavaria

(Using the whole map name such as "!map tunis harbor" will also work)

The map DOES NOT have to be in the maplist.
Once one team has requested a map change, the other team will answer:
!yes A countdown for the map change will start.
!no Map request will be aborted. This can also be used by the team that started the request.
During the countdown, the map change can be aborted by any player with the !no command.

!ss <NICK or PART OF NICK> Will capture a PunkBuster Screenshot from all players with this text in their nick. Will be saved in serverpbsvss
Thanks to Mach10 for the code to this function.

!timelimit <XX> Change round timelimit, <XX> stands for the number of minutes you want to change to. Both teams need to agree.
!demo <FILENAME> Will start a demo recording (see example below)
!record <FILENAME> Same as !demo
!stop Stops any current recording. This command will also stop recordings that are not started by !demo/!record, so watch out.
If you don't want players to be able to abort recordings, set demorec=0 in clanmod.con on the server and use the server setting way to record demos.

!timelimit 20 Requests a round time limit of 20 minutes. Other team answers with !yes or !no.
!demo 2006-12-20_round1 Starts recording to ServermodsclanmodDemos2006-12-20_round1.bf2142demo
!record round2_dec20th Starts recording to ServermodsclanmodDemosround2_dec20th.bf2142demo
!stop Stops any current recording. (Read more above)


!infantry off - включить технику
!commander on - включить коммандера
  • 0

Количество пользователей, читающих эту тему: 1

0 пользователей, 1 гостей, 0 скрытых

Количество пользователей, прочитавших эту тему: 3

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