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Обозначения параметров кофига Black Ops

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#1 Sukhov


    Отец флуда

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  • Город:Moscow
  • Игра/Ник:Sukhov__

Отправлено 17 Январь 2011 - 01:26

Вот нарыл на английском языка за что отвечает каждый параметр в нашем config_mp.cfg

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r_ignore" - Codec used when rendering clips."
r_clipCodec" - Render clip size."
r_clipSize" - Render clip FPS."
r_clipFPS" - Game window horizontal position"
vid_xpos" - game window vertical position"
vid_ypos" - Display game full screen"
r_fullscreen" - Gamma value"
r_gamma" - Ignore hardware gamma"
r_ignorehwgamma" - Maximum anisotropy to use for texture filtering"
r_texFilterAnisoMax" - Disables all texture filtering (uses nearest only.)"
r_texFilterDisable" - Minimum anisotropy to use for texture filtering (overridden by max)"
r_texFilterAnisoMin" - Forces all mipmaps to use a particular blend between levels (or disables mipping.)"
r_texFilterMipMode" - Change the mipmap bias"
r_texFilterMipBias" - Toggles rendering without lighting"
r_fullbright" - Enable shader debugging information"
r_debugShader" - Shows conflicts between primary lights"
r_lightConflicts" - GPU synchronization type (used to improve mouse responsiveness)"
r_gpuSync" - Use multiple GPUs"
r_multiGpu" - Enable cache for vertices of animated models"
r_skinCache" - Enable fast model skinning"
r_fastSkin" - Enable static model cache"
r_smc_enable" - Batch surfaces to reduce primitive count"
r_pretess" - Scale the level of detail distance for rigid models (larger reduces detail)"
r_lodScaleRigid" - Bias the level of detail distance for rigid models (negative increases detail)"
r_lodBiasRigid" - Scale the level of detail distance for skinned models (larger reduces detail)"
r_lodScaleSkinned" - Bias the level of detail distance for skinned models (negative increases detail)"
r_lodBiasSkinned" - Threshold FOV LOD scaling must pass before taking effect for skinned models"
r_fovScaleThresholdSkinned" - Threshold FOV LOD scaling must pass before taking effect for rigid models"
r_fovScaleThresholdRigid" - Set to zero to force world lods to highest"
r_worldLod" - Things closer than this aren't drawn. Reducing this increases z-fighting in the distance."
r_znear" - Viewmodel near clip plane"
r_znear_depthhack" - Change the distance at which culling fog reaches 100% opacity; 0 is off"
r_zfar" - Set to 0 to disable fog"
r_fog" - Offset scale for decal polygons; bigger values z-fight less but poke through walls more"
r_polygonOffsetScale" - Offset bias for decal polygons; bigger values z-fight less but poke through walls more"
r_polygonOffsetBias" - If 0, picmip is set automatically. If 1, picmip is set based on the other r_picmip dvars."
r_picmip_manual" - Picmip level of color maps. If r_picmip_manual is 0, this is read-only."
r_picmip" - Picmip level of normal maps. If r_picmip_manual is 0, this is read-only."
r_picmip_bump" - Picmip level of specular maps. If r_picmip_manual is 0, this is read-only."
r_picmip_spec" - Picmip level of water maps."
r_picmip_water" - Enables environment map specular lighting"
r_envMapSpecular" - Replace all lightmaps with pure black or pure white"
r_lightMap" - Replace all color maps with pure black or pure white"
r_colorMap" - Replace all normal maps with a flat normal map"
r_normalMap" - Replace all specular and roughness maps"
r_specularRoughnessMap" - Set greater than 1 to brighten specular highlights"
r_specularColorScale" - Globally scale the diffuse color of all point lights"
r_diffuseColorScale" - Set to true to use layered materials on shader model 3 hardware"
r_useLayeredMaterials" - Set to false to disable dx allocations (for dedicated server mode)"
r_loadForRenderer" - Upscale the frame buffer with sharpen filter and color correction."
r_resampleScene" - Shows materials tagged with 'nopenetrate'"
r_showPenetration" - Shows how expensive it is to draw every pixel on the screen"
r_showPixelCost" - Width of server side debug lines"
r_debugLineWidth" - Enable logging of light grid points for the vis cache. 1 starts from scratch, 2 appends."
r_vc_makelog" - Show this many rows of light grid points for the vis cache"
r_vc_showlog" - Show light grid debugging information"
r_showLightGrid" - Show lighting origins for models"
r_showLightingOrigins" - Use rainbow colors for entities that are outside the light grid"
r_showMissingLightGrid" - Speed up static model lighting by caching previous results"
r_cacheSModelLighting" - Speed up model lighting by caching previous results"
r_cacheModelLighting" - Ambient light strength"
r_lightTweakAmbient" - diffuse light fraction"
r_lightTweakDiffuseFraction" - Sunlight strength"
r_lightTweakSunLight" - Light ambient color"
r_lightTweakAmbientColor" - Sun color"
r_lightTweakSunColor" - Sun diffuse color"
r_lightTweakSunDiffuseColor" - Sun direction in degrees"
r_lightTweakSunDirection" - Min reflection intensity based on glancing angle."
r_envMapOverride" - Min reflection intensity based on glancing angle."
r_envMapMinIntensity" - Max reflection intensity based on glancing angle."
r_envMapMaxIntensity" - Reflection exponent."
r_envMapExponent" - Max sun specular intensity intensity with env map materials."
r_envMapSunIntensity" - Toggles the display of sun direction debug"
r_showSunDirectionDebug" - Toggles the display of particle outdoor volume debug"
r_showOutdoorVolumeDebug" - material color checker XYZ d65 coords"
r_materialXYZ" - print active materials (IN REMOTE CONSOLE)"
r_collectActiveMaterials" - Write all graphics hardware calls for this many frames to a logfile"
r_logFile" - Skips all rendering. Useful for benchmarking."
r_norefresh" - Scale 3D viewports by this fraction. Use this to see if framerate is pixel shader bound."
r_scaleViewport" - Process renderer back end in a separate thread"
r_smp_backend" - Process renderer front end in a separate thread"
r_smp_worker" - Number of worker threads"
r_smp_worker_threads" - Enable worker thread "Worker thread always disabled; not enough hardware threads" Transparency anti-aliasing method"
r_aaAlpha" - Anti-aliasing sample count; 1 disables anti-aliasing"
r_aaSamples" - Enable v-sync before drawing the next frame to avoid 'tearing' artifacts."
r_vsync" - Controls how the color buffer is cleared"
r_clear" - Color to clear the screen to when clearing the frame buffer"
r_clearColor" - Color to clear every second frame to (for use during development)"
r_clearColor2" - Sets the rendered pixels' alpha to 255 and the background to 0"
r_setFrameBufferAlpha" - Maximum number of dynamic lights drawn simultaneously"
r_dlightLimit" - Maximum radius to limit dlights to in fullscreen."
r_dlightMaxFullScreenRadius" - Maximum radius to limit dlights to when not fullscreen"
r_dlightMaxNonFullScreenRadius" - Maximum number of DObjs drawn simultaneously"
r_dobjLimit" - Maximum number of models drawn simultaneously"
r_modelLimit" - Maximum number of brushes drawn simultaneously"
r_brushLimit" - Relative Inner FOV angle for the dynamic spot light. 0 is full fade 0.99 is almost no fade."
r_spotLightFovInnerFraction" - Radius of the circle at the start of the spot light in inches."
r_spotLightStartRadius" - Radius of the circle at the end of the spot light in inches."
r_spotLightEndRadius" - Enable shadows for spot lights."
r_spotLightShadows" - Enable static model shadows for spot lights."
r_spotLightSModelShadows" - Enable entity shadows for spot lights."
r_spotLightEntityShadows" - Brightness scale for spot light to get overbrightness from the 0-1 particle color range."
r_spotLightBrightness" - Relative Inner FOV angle for the dynamic flash light. 0 is full fade 0.99 is almost no fade."
r_flashLightFovInnerFraction" - Radius of the circle at the start of the flash light in inches."
r_flashLightStartRadius" - Radius of the circle at the end of the flash light in inches."
r_flashLightEndRadius" - Enable shadows for flash light."
r_flashLightShadows" - Brightness scale for flash light."
r_flashLightBrightness" - Relative position of the Flashlight."
r_flashLightOffset" - Distance of the flash light in inches."
r_flashLightRange" - Flashlight Color."
r_flashLightColor" - Flashlight Movement Amount."
r_flashLightBobAmount" - Flashlight Movement Rate."
r_flashLightBobRate" - Flashlight Specular Scale."
r_flashLightSpecularScale" - Flashlight Flicker Amount."
r_flashLightFlickerAmount" - Flashlight Flicker Rate (Times per second)."
r_flashLightFlickerRate" - Enable water rendering"
r_drawWater" - Lock the viewpoint used for determining what is visible to the current position and direction"
r_lockPvs" - Skipt the determination of what is in the potentially visible set (disables most drawing)"
r_skipPvs" - Helps cull geometry by angles of portals that are acute when projected onto the screen, value is the cosine of the angle"
r_portalBevels" - Use screen-space bounding box of portals rather than the actual shape of the portal projected onto the screen"
r_portalBevelsOnly" - Only draw things in the same cell as the camera. Most useful for seeing how big the current cell is."
r_singleCell" - Only draw cells that are forced to be off."
r_showForcedInvisibleCells" - Stop portal recursion after this many iterations. Useful for debugging portal errors."
r_portalWalkLimit" - Don't clip child portals by a parent portal smaller than this fraction of the screen area."
r_portalMinClipArea" - Ignore r_portalMinClipArea for portals with fewer than this many parent portals."
r_portalMinRecurseDepth" - Enable occluders"
r_enableOccluders" - Show portals for debugging"
r_showPortals" - Show front buffer color debugging information"
r_showFbColorDebug" - Show float z buffer used to eliminate hard edges on particles near geometry"
r_showFloatZDebug" - Allocate a float z buffer (required for effects such as floatz, dof, and laser light)"
r_floatz" - Enable depth prepass (usually improves performance)"
r_depthPrepass" - Distance for high level of detail"
r_highLodDist" - Distance for medium level of detail"
r_mediumLodDist" - Distance for low level of detail"
r_lowLodDist" - Distance for lowest level of detail"
r_lowestLodDist" - Force all level of detail to this level"
r_forceLod" - Set to 0 to replace all model vertex colors with white when loaded"
r_modelVertColor" - Enable shadow mapping"
sm_enable" - Enable sun shadow mapping from script"
sm_sunEnable" - Enable spot shadow mapping from script"
sm_spotEnable" - Limits how many primary lights can have shadow maps"
sm_maxLights" - How many seconds it takes for a primary light shadow map to fade in or out"
sm_spotShadowFadeTime" - When picking shadows for primary lights, measure distance from a point this far in front of the camera."
sm_lightScore_eyeProjectDist" - When picking shadows for primary lights, measure distance to a point this fraction of the light's radius along it's shadow direction."
sm_lightScore_spotProjectFrac" - forces sun to always do shadow mapping, from script"
sm_sunAlwaysCastsShadow" - Shadow map offset scale"
sm_polygonOffsetScale" - Shadow map offset bias"
sm_polygonOffsetBias" - Shadow sample size"
sm_sunSampleSizeNear" - Sun shadow center, 0 0 0 means don't override"
sm_sunShadowCenter" - Sun shadow scale optimization"
sm_sunShadowScale" - use quarter resolution sun shadow map"
sm_sunShadowSmallEnable" - Size of Back Buffer"
r_backBufferSize" - Size of Back Buffer Y"
r_backBufferSizeY" - Radius scaler for large spot shadow switch over"
sm_spotShadowLargeRadiusScale" - Strict shadow map cull"
sm_strictCull" - Fast sun shadow"
sm_fastSunShadow" - Fast spot shadow"
sm_qualitySpotShadow" - Provides high-res spot shadows for the only one spotlight in the scene."
sm_fullResSpotShadowEnable" - Stream high mip levels (1=world|2=xmodels|4=bmodels)"
r_stream" - Set true to clear all streamed highmip levels"
r_streamClear" - Corrupts high mip levels which should not be visible, rather than unloading them."
r_streamDebug" - Don't let anyone take any of your precious stream buffer. Some people need to debug texture streaming. Steve needs to debug texture streaming."
r_streamFull" - Number of msec to add to streaming to roughly fake DVD lag"
r_streamFakeLagMsec" - Maximum distance to predictively stream from"
r_streamMaxDist" - Show streaming stats"
r_streamShowStats" - Show list of streamed textures"
r_streamShowList" - Limit size of stream buffer in KB (0 is no limit)"
r_streamSize" - Corrupt loaded mips (1-2: solid roygbiv to show mip rendered; 3-5: color coded imageIndex, difference is alpha)"
r_streamTaint" - Freeze the state of all streaming memory - don't allow streaming or un-streaming of any images."
r_streamFreezeState" - Enable logging of all streaming commands executed - printed to Output and console"
r_streamLog" - Scale the distance of hidden objects by this amount"
r_streamHiddenPush" - Force lowest detail mips to always be loaded (disable this for more memory in release builds)"
r_streamLowDetail" - 3D turret shift"
r_stereoTurretShift" - Allow blur."
r_blur_allowed" - Dev tweak to blur the screen"
r_blur" - Enable distortion"
r_distortion" - Allow flame effect."
r_flame_allowed" - Film LUT Index."
r_filmLut" - Tweak Film LUT Index."
r_filmTweakLut" - Enable First Person Player Shadow."
r_enablePlayerShadow" - Enable Player Flashlight."
r_enableFlashlight" - Enable Water Fog Test."
r_waterFogTest" - Contrast adjustment"
r_contrast" - Brightness adjustment"
r_brightness" - Desaturation adjustment"
r_desaturation" - Tweak dev var; film color brightness"
r_filmTweakBrightness" - Tweak dev var; Desaturation applied after all 3D drawing"
r_filmTweakDesaturation" - Tweak dev var; enable inverted video"
r_filmTweakInvert" - Overide film effects with tweak dvar values"
r_filmUseTweaks" - Tweak dev var; enable film color effects"
r_filmTweakEnable" - Tweak dev var; film color Hue dark - mid - light"
r_filmTweakHue" - Tweak dev var; film color Saturation dark - mid - light"
r_filmTweakSaturation" - Tweak dev var; film color Color Temp dark - mid - light"
r_filmTweakColorTemp" - Tweak dev var; film color Dark Tint"
r_filmTweakDarkTint" - Tweak dev var; film color Mid Tint"
r_filmTweakMidTint" - Tweak dev var; film color Light Tint"
r_filmTweakLightTint" - Tweak dev var; film color Mid Start"
r_filmTweakMidStart" - Tweak dev var; film color Mid End"
r_filmTweakMidEnd" - Tweak dev var; film color Dark range feather amount"
r_filmTweakDarkFeathr" - Tweak dev var; film color Light range feather amount"
r_filmTweakLightFeather" - Tweak dev var; film color Contrast dark - mid - light"
r_filmTweakContrast" - Tweak dev var; film color Bleach dark - mid - light"
r_filmTweakBleach" - Tweak dev var; enable dark - mid - light debug display"
r_filmTweakRangeDebug" - S-Curve Shoulder Strength"
r_sCurveShoulderStrength" - S-Curve Linear Strength"
r_sCurveLinearStrength" - S-Curve Linear Angle"
r_sCurveLinearAngle" - S-Curve Toe Strength"
r_sCurveToeStrength" - S-Curve Toe Numerator"
r_sCurveToeNumerator" - S-Curve Toe Denominator"
r_sCurveToeDenominator" - S-Curve On-Off"
r_sCurveEnable" - film curve black point"
r_flimCurveBlack" - film curve white point"
r_flimCurveWhite" - film curve soft clip point"
r_filmCurveSoftClip" - water wave angle"
r_waterWaveAngle" - water wave wavelength"
r_waterWaveWavelength" - water wave amplitude"
r_waterWaveAmplitude" - water wave phase"
r_waterWavePhase" - water wave steepness"
r_waterWaveSteepness" - water wave speed"
r_waterWaveSpeed" - Enable the depth of field effect"
r_dof_enable" - Use dvars to set the depth of field effect; overrides r_dof_enable"
r_dof_tweak" - Sets the radius of the gaussian blur used by depth of field, in pixels at 640x480"
r_dof_nearBlur" - Sets the radius of the gaussian blur used by depth of field, in pixels at 640x480"
r_dof_farBlur" - Depth of field viewmodel start distance, in inches"
r_dof_viewModelStart" - Depth of field viewmodel end distance, in inches"
r_dof_viewModelEnd" - Depth of field near start distance, in inches"
r_dof_nearStart" - Depth of field near end distance, in inches"
r_dof_nearEnd" - Depth of field far start distance, in inches"
r_dof_farStart" - Depth of field far end distance, in inches"
r_dof_farEnd" - Depth of field bias as a power function (like gamma); less than 1 is sharper"
r_dof_bias" - displays DOF parameter debug"
r_dof_showdebug" - Enable the motion blur effect"
r_motionblur_enable" - Enable object based motion blur effect"
r_motionblur_frameBased_enable" - Tweak dev var; sets the number of pixels sampled"
r_motionblur_numberOfSamples" - Tweak dev var; origin of blur"
r_motionblur_blurOrigin" - Tweak dev var; blur magnitude due to direction change"
r_motionblur_directionFactor" - Tweak dev var; blur magnitude due to position change"
r_motionblur_positionFactor" - Caps the number of pixels sampled for blur"
r_motionblur_maxblur" - Enable the flamethrower effect"
r_flameFX_enable" - Distortion uv scales (Default to 1)"
r_flameFX_distortionScaleFactor" - Distortion magnitude"
r_flameFX_magnitude" - fire frames per sec"
r_flameFX_FPS" - Sets fade duration in seconds"
r_flameFX_fadeDuration" - Enable the water sheeting effect"
r_waterSheetingFX_allowed" - Enable the water sheeting effect"
r_waterSheetingFX_enable" - Distortion uv scales (Default to 1)"
r_waterSheetingFX_distortionScaleFactor" - Distortion magnitude"
r_waterSheetingFX_magnitude" - Tweak dev var; Glow radius in pixels at 640x480"
r_waterSheetingFX_radius" - Sets fade duration in seconds"
r_waterSheetingFX_fadeDuration" - Enable the revive effect debug"
r_reviveFX_debug" - Sets fade duration in seconds"
r_reviveFX_fadeDuration" - edge color temp"
r_reviveFX_edgeColorTemp" - edge saturation"
r_reviveFX_edgeSaturation" - edge scale (tint) adjust RGB"
r_reviveFX_edgeScale" - edge contrast adjust RGB"
r_reviveFX_edgeContrast" - edge tv style brightness adjust RGB"
r_reviveFX_edgeOffset" - edge effect amount"
r_reviveFX_edgeAmount" - edge mask expansion contraction"
r_reviveFX_edgeMaskAdjust" - Enable the genericFilter material"
r_genericFilter_enable" - Enable the superFlare effect"
r_superFlare_enable" - Enable the superFlare debug occlusion circles"
r_superFlare_debug" - Enable the poison effect"
r_poisonFX_debug_enable" - Poison effect amount"
r_poisonFX_debug_amount" - pulse rate for distortion"
r_poisonFX_pulse" - amount of distortion in x"
r_poisonFX_warpX" - of distortion in y"
r_poisonFX_warpY" - double vision angle"
r_poisonFX_dvisionA" - amount of double vision x"
r_poisonFX_dvisionX" - amount of double vision y"
r_poisonFX_dvisionY" - blur min"
r_poisonFX_blurMin" - blur max"
r_poisonFX_blurMax" - debug display expensive HDR alphas"
r_showHDRalpha" - enable full HDR rendering"
r_fullHDRrendering" - lut data"
r_lutvar_0" - lut data"
r_lutvar_1" - lut data"
r_lutvar_2" - lut data"
r_lutvar_3" - lut data"
r_lutvar_4" - lut data"
r_lutvar_5" - lut data"
r_lutvar_6" - lut data"
r_lutvar_7" - lut data"
r_lutvar_8" - lut data"
r_lutvar_9" - lut data"
r_lutvar_10" - lut data"
r_lutvar_11" - lut data"
r_lutvar_12" - lut data"
r_lutvar_13" - lut data"
r_lutvar_14" - lut data"
r_lutvar_15" - enable the exposure dvar tweak"
r_exposureTweak" - exposure"
r_exposureValue" - enbale bloom tweaks"
r_bloomTweaks" - bloom blur radius"
r_bloomBlurRadius" - tint weights RGB, desaturation amount"
r_bloomTintWeights" - color scale RGB, desaturation start"
r_bloomColorScale" - scale RGB, desaturation end"
r_bloomTintScale" - lo hi curve breakpoint RGBT"
r_bloomCurveBreakpoint" - curve lo black point RGBT"
r_bloomCurveLoBlack" - curve lo gamma ramp RGBT"
r_bloomCurveLoGamma" - curve lo white point RGBT"
r_bloomCurveLoWhite" - curve lo output black point RGBT"
r_bloomCurveLoRemapBlack" - curve lo output white point RGBT"
r_bloomCurveLoRemapWhite" - curve hi black point RGBT"
r_bloomCurveHiBlack" - curve hi gamma ramp RGBT"
r_bloomCurveHiGamma" - curve hi white point RGBT"
r_bloomCurveHiWhite" - curve hi output black point RGBT"
r_bloomCurveHiRemapBlack" - curve hi output white point RGBT"
r_bloomCurveHiRemapWhite" - expansion amount x&y and expansion target x&y "
r_bloomExpansionControl" - amount of expansion to lerp in RGBT"
r_bloomExpansionWeights" - bloom expansion source point"
r_bloomExpansionSource" - amount of bloom feedback"
r_bloomPersistence" - level weights RGB, level gamma"
r_bloomStreakXLevels0" - level in black white, out black white"
r_bloomStreakXLevels1" - streak inner tint"
r_bloomStreakXInnerTint" - streak outer tint"
r_bloomStreakXOuterTint" - streak saturation weights, saturation"
r_bloomStreakXTintControl" - streak tint"
r_bloomStreakXTint" - level weights RGB, level gamma"
r_bloomStreakYLevels0" - level in black white, out black white"
r_bloomStreakYLevels1" - streak inner tint"
r_bloomStreakYInnerTint" - streak outer tint"
r_bloomStreakYOuterTint" - streak saturation weights, saturation"
r_bloomStreakYTintControl" - streak tint"
r_bloomStreakYTint" - r,g,b channel shift x"
r_finalShiftX" - r,g,b channel shift y"
r_finalShiftY" - Use primary light intensity tweaks"
r_primaryLightUseTweaks" - Tweak the diffuse intensity for primary lights"
r_primaryLightTweakDiffuseStrength" - Tweak the specular intensity for primary lights"
r_primaryLightTweakSpecularStrength" - Enable tweaks of the light color from the light grid"
r_lightGridEnableTweaks" - Use tweaked values instead of default"
r_lightGridUseTweakedValues" - Adjust the intensity of light color from the light grid"
r_lightGridIntensity" - Adjust the contrast of light color from the light grid"
r_lightGridContrast" - Enable hero-only lighting"
r_heroLighting" - hero diffuse light saturation"
r_heroLightSaturation" - hero diffuse light temp"
r_heroLightColorTemp" - hero diffuse light scale"
r_heroLightScale" - toggle multipass dlights rendering"
r_enableDlights" - debug dlights mode"
r_debugHDRdlight" - dlights color scale"
r_debugHDRdlight_scale" - distance dlights appear around camera"
r_debugHDRdlight_distance" - dlights falloff radius"
r_debugHDRdlight_radius" - dlights debug color"
r_debugHDRdlight_color" - number of viewports to expect to render"
r_num_viewports" - Affects the height map lookup for making sure snow doesn't go indoors"
r_outdoorAwayBias" - Affects the height map lookup for making sure snow doesn't go indoors"
r_outdoorDownBias" - Outdoor z-feathering value"
r_outdoorFeather" - Set sun flare values from dvars rather than the level"
r_sun_from_dvars" - Enable development environment"
developer" - Allow server side cheats"
sv_cheats" - Draw stats monitor"
com_statmon" - Use Streaming SIMD Extensions for skinning"
r_sse_skinning" - Index of the monitor to use in a multi monitor system; 0 picks automatically."
r_monitor" - Screen aspect ratio. Most widescreen monitors are 16:10 instead of 16:9."
r_aspectRatio" - Special resolution mode for the remote debugger"
r_customMode" - Enable Nvidia Open Automate testing"
r_open_automate" - Enable tree rustle, grass wind react etc"
r_gfxopt_dynamic_foliage" - Enable advanced water simulation"
r_gfxopt_water_simulation" - Enable support for the intz depth buffer format."
r_allow_intz" - Enable support for the null render target format."
r_allow_null_rt" - Use the driver convergence values instead of the game defined values."
r_use_driver_convergence" - Stereo convergence."
r_convergence" - Create a multithreaded d3d device."
r_multithreaded_device" - shader warming: disable dpvs culling"
r_warm_dpvs" - shader warming: bsp objects"
r_warm_bsp" - shader warming: static objects"
r_warm_static" - shader warming: d objects"
r_warm_dobj" - Number of seconds after displaying a "per-frame" warning before it will display again"
r_warningRepeatDelay" - Generate cube maps for reflection probes."
r_reflectionProbeGenerate" - Regenerate cube maps for all reflection probes."
r_reflectionProbeRegenerateAll" - Exit when done generating reflection cubes."
r_reflectionProbeGenerateExit" - test"
r_grassBurn" - Diables grass movement"
r_grassEnable" - Sky transition blend factor."
r_skyTransition" - Envmap Scale."
r_treeScale" - Specular Scale."
r_testScale" - Sky box color temp."
r_skyColorTemp" - Highlight Alpha Blended Polygons."
r_debugLayers" - color of burned destructibles"
r_burnedDestructibleColor" - Enable shaderworks overrides"
r_swrk_override_enable" - overrides the __characterCharredAmount Shaderworks tweak"
r_swrk_override_characterCharredAmount" - overrides the __characterDissolveColor Shaderworks tweak"
r_swrk_override_characterDissolveColor" - Overrides the character wetness."
r_swrk_override_wetness" - shows location of primary lights"
r_debugShowPrimaryLights" - shows location of dynamic lights"
r_debugShowDynamicLights" - shows location of coronas"
r_debugShowCoronas" - enables the optimization of a separate charred material tech"
r_use_separate_char_tech" - enables the fog debug display"
r_drawDebugFogParams" - Toggles see-through impact holes"
r_seethru_decal_enable" - Toggles tension"
r_tension_enable" - Show UI3D debug overlay"
r_ui3d_debug_display" - Use UI debug values"
r_ui3d_use_debug_values" - ui3d texture window x"
r_ui3d_x" - ui3d texture window y"
r_ui3d_y" - ui3d texture window width"
r_ui3d_w" - ui3d texture window height"
r_ui3d_h" - Show missile camera debug overlay"
r_missile_cam_debug_display" - custom extracam aspect ratio (width/height). Set to -1 to use default aspect ratio"
r_extracam_custom_aspectratio" - enables extra cam shadowmapping"
r_extracam_shadowmap_enable" - How far to draw scs debug view"
r_shader_constant_set_debug_range" - enables shader constant sets"
r_shader_constant_set_enable" - Enables sky intensity debugging display"
r_sky_intensity_showDebugDisplay" - use dvar values for sky intensity"
r_sky_intensity_useDebugValues" - angle0 of sky intensity"
r_sky_intensity_angle0" - angle1 of sky intensity"
r_sky_intensity_angle1" - angle0 of sky intensity"
r_sky_intensity_factor0" - angle1 of sky intensity"
r_sky_intensity_factor1" - Disables fog"
r_fog_disable" - Enables wind gusts that affect dynFoliage grass"
r_grassWindForceEnable" - turns on/off the script-driven cell vis bits"
r_dpvs_useCellForceInvisibleBits" - toggles if remote screen update draws the last frame"
r_remotescreen_renderlastframe" - Off-screen shadow casters LOD distance scale"
r_offscreenCasterLodScale" - Generate cube maps for reflection probes."
r_reflectionProbeGenerate" - Regenerate cube maps for all reflection probes."
r_reflectionProbeRegenerateAll" - Exit when done generating reflection cubes."
r_reflectionProbeGenerateExit" - You can only generate reflections for BSP version %i, but the BSP is version %i. You need to recompile the map."
Enables dynamic water simulation"
r_watersim_enabled" - Enables bullet debug markers"
r_watersim_debug" - Flattens the water surface out"
r_watersim_flatten" - Time between seeding a new wave (ms)"
r_watersim_waveSeedDelay" - Amount of curl applied"
r_watersim_curlAmount" - Maximum curl limit"
r_watersim_curlMax" - Amount curl gets reduced by when over limit"
r_watersim_curlReduce" - Allows water to lap over the shoreline edge"
r_watersim_minShoreHeight" - Rate foam appears at"
r_watersim_foamAppear" - Rate foam disappears at"
r_watersim_foamDisappear" - Amount of wind applied"
r_watersim_windAmount" - Wind direction (degrees)"
r_watersim_windDir" - Maximum wind limit"
r_watersim_windMax" - Particle gravity"
r_watersim_particleGravity" - Limit at which particles get spawned"
r_watersim_particleLimit" - Length of each particle"
r_watersim_particleLength" - Width of each particle"
r_watersim_particleWidth" - XY coords to scroll water in"
r_watersim_scroll" -

мож кто осилит перевод и поиск ценных переменных?

а тут весь список dvar
  • 0

#2 kolyn



  • SOBR community
  • 1 067 сообщений
  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Город:Москва
  • Игра/Ник:Kolyn

Отправлено 17 Январь 2011 - 09:15

По моему все описания переменных сбились на одну строчку вверх))
Т.е. список должен начинаться

r_ignore" - ???????????????
r_clipCodec" - Codec used when rendering clips."
r_clipSize" - Render clip size."
r_clipFPS" - Render clip FPS."
  • 0

#3 flugger


    Отец флуда

  • Администраторы
  • 3 421 сообщений
  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Город:Питер
  • Игра/Ник:LoxmatiyMamont

Отправлено 17 Январь 2011 - 12:01

  • -1

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